XANTHOSOMA MICKEY MOUSE PLANT is an herbaceous perennial which originates in South America.
It belongs to Araceae family with botanical name xanthosoma albomarginata or xanthosoma atrovirens "Variegatum Marginatum". More commonly, it is called mickey mouse taro, pocket plant or mouse cup.
The name "mickey mouse" comes from unique shape of the plant's leaves and its resemblance to Disney character "Mickey Mouse.
As an ornamental foliage plant, it is important to note that each leaf of xanthosoma mickey mouse that unfurls is unique. The peculiar characteristic of the foliage makes this plant a very popular houseplant. Once this leaf matures, it forms a small pocket with string like tip at the end, hence the name "pocket plant".
Is Xanthosoma mickey mouse rare?
Some believe it is a mutation while others say it is hybrid. Needless to say, Xanthosoma mickey mouse is still considered a rare plant.
How to propagate Xanthosoma mickey mouse plant?
Watch this step-by-step propagation walk through
Xanthosoma mickey mouse plant propagation (UPDATE)