How to grow succulents from seeds

I was introduced to three ways of growing succulents and this is  the first of the three methods. The first one is growing from seeds, second is growing from leaves, and the third is by stem cuttings. I am hesistant to try the last two approach that is why I ended up growing from seeds.

how to grow succulent seeds

With the help of my supportive partner, we bought rare succulent seeds online. But the thing is, there are online sellers who are scamming online shoppers, so its a game of "I hope these are succulent seeds". 

Then it arrived. Ecstatic to see whether these are really succulents seeds.

Without further ado, this is my first attempt of growing succulents from seeds. I used to techniques; cotton method, and soil. Guess which produces a high yield? Watch till end. 

Did you notice something? Let me know through your comments.

If you love gardening and plant propagation, might as well follow me and let's have this wonderful journey. 

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